Thursday, August 31, 2006

small steps

there is something to be said for a little bit of persistence.
After coming this close to buying an overpriced plug in I found, in a small tucked away corner of the program, the exact function that I was looking for...
One more step forward.
Making it dance...

Music Mix plan

It comes down to this: an abstract representation.
Everything comes down this.
Abstraction as meaning.

In my thesis work I am looking at how abstract patterns in film style effect our sense of time passing. Of course, you can't think about such stuff for long without wanting to apply it to other area's.

Just mix the damn thing...

Then move on to this...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Flutter structure

Been working on the sound mix this morning.
Really just getting use to the sounds and labeling them.

Last night I taught the membranes to quiver.
Fun stuff.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

slow going

Day two of video/music project.
Above is what I have got completed so far of the video.
Slow going.
The music, however, is on target.
Somehow I've got to make the above move in a 'ambient' but interesting way in time to the music.
Then I've got to turn it into cubes, and make the cubes move in an 'ambient' but interesting way.
After that I'll add lighting and camera movement...

Long way to go...

Monday, August 28, 2006

New Project

While I haven't been really that good at posting my weekly ambient music compositions, I have still persisted with them. Each week I have found just enough time to create a new sound set and then do at least one mix.
Above is a concept note of this weeks effort.
On top of the music, however, I am attempting something more ambitious: a full video to go with the music.
Its folly, I know to think that I could execute this all in one week. But I'm going to give it a go anyway.
Why? Because the concept has me intrigued. I want to know if I can do it.
I just want to see what it looks like in the end.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Is this the future?

My research time has been suffering….
No good reason, anyway.


Pick one and do it well…

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


The days have been getting warmer
This is nice.

Soft light streaming in through the window.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

its one of those days

where playing with the dog is much more important than getting things done.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


time is something that I'm becoming more acutely aware of now then ever before.
There is a certain awareness of wastage.

but there is also a certain awareness of it as an ally.

Time is something to be embraced
with a full hart.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

cool hours

even though its forecast to be fine and relatively warm spring day, I am still resistant to the morning walk.
it feels cold...

Mr C. looks forlorn.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Looking up how to create RSS feeds... oh what fun.
have been putting this task off for ages, and as usual its turning out to be a lot simpler the I had anticipated.
But then its never a wise thing to say something is simple before its done, is it?

Friday, August 11, 2006

I understand


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

old ideas

return to the notion of speaking
quaint in its way

words are, to me anyway...


Let Mr C speak instead
far more eloquent that way

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

been away

Its been over a week, I know since I last wrote some thing. In my defence its been a big week. Been away. also, saw lots of flicks at the film festival. Am getting stuck into the Falling agenda.

Its early in the morning now and I'm trying to get stuff done.
Been busy.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

no title

No words
no title
just Rads photo.

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