Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Small things

I've been getting back into my thesis lately. Its a boring and frustrating task as I'm working on what I feel is the least interesting chapter: a taxonomy of parameters. But one of the things that has actually helping me in this task (other than coffee) has been our new puppy Maeby. As you can see, she is doing her small part to help me settle in for the long hall...

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Things I'd like to do after my thesis

While I've been putting my nose to the grindstone on this thesis of mine, I've been putting off a few things here and there:

1: spend more quality time with Rad and the Puppies

2: Play the Orange Box (particularly Half Life ep 2, but also Portal looks like the kind of thing I'd really like)

3: Get back to the Conditions videos

4: Produce Podcasts (I've been toying around with the idea of producing a podcast about the dynamics of media consumption)

5: Make Glitch (a short film I've been sitting on for a few years)

6: Find a better job (preferably something that doesn't require waring fluro)

7: Move to a cooler climate

I didn't win the ATOM award last night, but Rad and I had a great night out.

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