1st podcast.
It can be found in the links section to the right.
This is just a trial at the moment, but I have managed to get something up and down-loadable. I'm already thinking about changing the nature of the podcast for future releases. In particular, just leaving it as music alone. Or, alternatively inviting readers to send in their own spoken word pod-casts and matching it to the music. Anyway, regardless, this is a good initial step (regardless of the quality of the work).
quite steps
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
a new concept
We saw Bubble yesterday at the Melbourne film festival.
Harsh, gritty, digital video.
Possibly brilliant.
Another reminder that the art is in the pacing rather than than the quality of the images.
Took Mr C out this morning for a play
Harsh, gritty, muddy ground
Move forward. Pick up the ball. Bring it back.
Eloquent simplicity.
its all too exciting.
Harsh, gritty, digital video.
Possibly brilliant.
Another reminder that the art is in the pacing rather than than the quality of the images.
Took Mr C out this morning for a play
Harsh, gritty, muddy ground
Move forward. Pick up the ball. Bring it back.
Eloquent simplicity.
its all too exciting.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
to recover
is to move on
sometimes directly into that which you fear most...
Today I finally put words down
I created an initial mix of this project of mine
Just me.
I am the only speaker so far.
To be frank it doesn't all sound good.
But, also, it doesn't all sound bad.
There is room for improvement.
It is confronting to here ones own words read back to you (even if you do the reading yourself).
I knew this would be the case.
I will post the mix up soon.
is to move on
sometimes directly into that which you fear most...
Today I finally put words down
I created an initial mix of this project of mine
Just me.
I am the only speaker so far.
To be frank it doesn't all sound good.
But, also, it doesn't all sound bad.
There is room for improvement.
It is confronting to here ones own words read back to you (even if you do the reading yourself).
I knew this would be the case.
I will post the mix up soon.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
what it should be about
It should be about the pleasure of it
it should be about the texture
It should be about the ambition
the enthusiasm
the energy...
It should be about the challenge
It should be about the loss of the moment
the extinction, the transformation
of time itself...
It shouldn't be about the whether or not the toothpaste tube lid
was left off or not.
It should be about taking my dog for a walk
and leaving my partner in peace to watch Scorsese videos.
Move past the stagnation of the moment
Crush time itself.
it should be about the texture
It should be about the ambition
the enthusiasm
the energy...
It should be about the challenge
It should be about the loss of the moment
the extinction, the transformation
of time itself...
It shouldn't be about the whether or not the toothpaste tube lid
was left off or not.
It should be about taking my dog for a walk
and leaving my partner in peace to watch Scorsese videos.
Move past the stagnation of the moment
Crush time itself.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
its late

Its late and I'm up playing with my new mobile phone...
its has lots of fancy things in it...
although most of them cost extra.
Its late and I'm having trouble sleeping...
Its one of those nights...
I wrote Falling in a similar frame of mind to what I'm in now. Its was all so quick: essentially one idea distilled through a series of short movements and written in less then 20 mins. I both trust and distrust the project for this reason. It came from something genuine within in me, like a performance mode of music. But whether this gut feeling is valuable or not I can't say. When Chris, my friend and a partner in cinematic crimes said I needed to change it to fit the contexts of a well formed story I flatly resisted. It is what it is. It is either poetry, or else...
...or else its a crime against humanity...
Rad was watching a Gilmore Girls repeat today, and I caught a moment of its where a side character exhibited his classically bad short 'art' film.... i recognised some of my own crimes in that film. And, as I looked at the flat compositional plains, I caught myself thinking: 'maybe he was going somewhere with this... maybe there is going to be some kind of structural gameplan that reveals itself shortly'... Of course there wasn't, but that wasn't the fault of the fictional characters... should I blame the writers here? Or the episode's director?
Of course, as I was watching Bresson's L'Agent (1983) latter in the night I was thinking the same thing again: maybe there is going to be some kind of game-plan that will reveal itself to me. And then I'll really get it then. Won't I?
In the end we only our gut feelings to go on, or perhaps we shouldn't ever trust those feeling lest they lead us to pain, disappointment and embarrassment. But then without these gut feeling, then what are we aiming for? What do we hope to achieve? Whats the point?
Yin and Yang
Order and Chaos.
clarity and....
Its quite late
And I'm very cold...
The new phone is sleeping now....
Friday, July 21, 2006
Noise is not perfect
As I'm working on my strange idea's I am comforted by the the fact that noise is not is not the same as perfection
Noise is about imperfection within defined boundaries...
film can be this too...
Noise is about imperfection within defined boundaries...
film can be this too...
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
long night
When somebody close to you is sick its painful.
When Rad was away Mr. C. got sick (it turned out to be kennel cough).
For a couple of nights it was very hard because he couldn't rest and would get up occasionally to cough up flem and bile...
I was reminded of this last night when Rad in turn got a stomach virus.
... lets just say it was a long night...
When Rad was away Mr. C. got sick (it turned out to be kennel cough).
For a couple of nights it was very hard because he couldn't rest and would get up occasionally to cough up flem and bile...
I was reminded of this last night when Rad in turn got a stomach virus.
... lets just say it was a long night...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
The demise of greatness
Shitake mushrooms
Miso soup….
Yum yum.
One of my favourite snacks at the moment is the Nori and the miso. Just lately I’ve started adding Ramen noodles for a big lunch bowl of warm goodness.
Rad thinks that Miso paste looks like poo.
She doesn’t touch the stuff on the same basis that she wouldn’t try ‘Scrapple’ in the states (because it has ‘crap’ in the title).
To be fair, I wouldn’t try scrapple either. All I now about scrapple is that it made out of the leftover remnants of the frying pan, and that the G mentions it in the same episode of Homicide where he gets shot…
Monday, July 17, 2006
in falling space
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