Its late and I'm up playing with my new mobile phone...
its has lots of fancy things in it...
although most of them cost extra.
Its late and I'm having trouble sleeping...
Its one of those nights...
I wrote Falling in a similar frame of mind to what I'm in now. Its was all so quick: essentially one idea distilled through a series of short movements and written in less then 20 mins. I both trust and distrust the project for this reason. It came from something genuine within in me, like a performance mode of music. But whether this gut feeling is valuable or not I can't say. When Chris, my friend and a partner in cinematic crimes said I needed to change it to fit the contexts of a well formed story I flatly resisted. It is what it is. It is either poetry, or else...
...or else its a crime against humanity...
Rad was watching a Gilmore Girls repeat today, and I caught a moment of its where a side character exhibited his classically bad short 'art' film.... i recognised some of my own crimes in that film. And, as I looked at the flat compositional plains, I caught myself thinking: 'maybe he was going somewhere with this... maybe there is going to be some kind of structural gameplan that reveals itself shortly'... Of course there wasn't, but that wasn't the fault of the fictional characters... should I blame the writers here? Or the episode's director?
Of course, as I was watching Bresson's L'Agent (1983) latter in the night I was thinking the same thing again: maybe there is going to be some kind of game-plan that will reveal itself to me. And then I'll really get it then. Won't I?
In the end we only our gut feelings to go on, or perhaps we shouldn't ever trust those feeling lest they lead us to pain, disappointment and embarrassment. But then without these gut feeling, then what are we aiming for? What do we hope to achieve? Whats the point?
Yin and Yang
Order and Chaos.
clarity and....
Its quite late
And I'm very cold...
The new phone is sleeping now....