Why am I so interested in abstraction? What is it about the intersection of two clean lines, or the 'difficult breathing' of an old fridge motor, or a slight inflection dug into an otherwise perfect curved surface that will, on occasion, catch me me off guard? Make me pause and take in a deep breath.

I move forward. I take so much for granted because I have to. Our brains, after all are pre-conditioned to compartmentalize and move on. The ordinary and everyday objects around us are neither threatening or otherwise advantageous, so why should we pay much attention. And yet occasionally, just occasionally, something slides into our field of view: askance from what is considered relevant . A level of detail from the overlooked universe. A rusty scraping of metal, a geometrical imperative that folds into view, then just a quickly folds out, a texture bump that yearns to be acknowledged with an outstretched finger.

But then I move on. The abstraction of the moment passes. I work, I hang out with my partner and Labradors. I complain about the weather. I make miso soup on occasion. I fiddle with music and images: trying to capture something... These are all good things... But so is the abstraction.