First comes the vision:
I am perennially interested in white noise. The little flicks of sound that exist under the skin of everyday encounters with media. The mostly unwanted artefacts of electronics. Bad analogue sound systems. The crackle and hum of old vinyl records. Of unshielded cables. Its hard to precisely pinpoint why I like these sounds so much. Perhaps it has something to do with good associations: Old films (think of that crackle that accompanies the studio logos); or the rhythmic pops of record scratches (the ever morphing counter rhythm to the actual recording). But, for whatever the reason, I am continually drawn to these sounds: I sense the ‘music’ just below the surface.
This is nothing new. Others before me (and I particularly point your attention here to the wonderful music of Alva Noto, or alternately the song “Total Trash’ by Sonic Youth) have managed to exploit this space between noise and music, between randomness, chaos and organization in far more interesting and eloquent ways than I ever could. Regardless, though, I feel there is so much more that can be done in this area: so much more to discover, explore and develop.
I’m just striving to find my own little voice in all that white space.