Ideally, by this stage of the week I would be moving into the rendering of the project. Unfortunately, however, the rendering problems from last week (into this week) have cause some delays. That being said, I see no reason to not to complete ep 18 by Monday or Tuesday. The screen captures are going well: I am finding some interesting phrases each day. Also, the music is done, and the After effects Comp is set up so that I can easily transpose the new phases in and adjust it to meet the needs of the music’s timing.
The only other issue after that is the particulars of the camera positions. I am thinking of a number of different types, but that brings up the issue of editing. These are questions that lead to further delays and there just might have to come a point where I will have to cut my loses.

I am very keen to see how this project comes out. I am interested in the effect of the words and phrase groupings winking in and out of existence. I have some doubts about it being interesting enough: is it much different to what we have seen before in other forms? Also, will it be a cohesive experience?
Its going to be interesting to find out.