This weeks project is centered around the idea of found poetry. The plan is to sample a phrase each day the from this site: http://isnoop.net/toys/magwords.php
and use it in the next composition.
The composition itself will be something like a whirlwind of flying magnets/words where each of the phases will wink in and out of existence.
I'm not sure about the point of this other then I like the idea of the site, and communal poetry it represents.
As to what onirophyse means?
The only explanation I could find is here:
To quote:
"It's not a real English word, that's for sure. It seems to be associated with a French artist/poet (see http://onirophyse.net/Onirophyse/Onirophyse/Onirophyse.html , a.k.a. World's Most Repetitious URL). The 'oniro' part is just an alternate version of 'oneiro' for 'dream', and 'physe' is the French form of the Greek root 'physis' meaning 'growth, change'."