The first stage of this weeks project is to gather the materials: that is to find the most interesting phrase I can for the day.
as you can see this is still a process in progress.
Initially the next part of the project was to open up the phrase image in photoshop and divide it up into layers before taking it into AE. However, I did not really anticipate the degradation of image quality when you do that. The word were to pixelated: almost unreadable.
So I am now taking a different tact. Re-creating the phrase as text layers in AE.
As part of the next stage I have created a comp that that animates each word in 3d: they start out as a swirling vortex of separate words, then swoop in to form the phrase before swooping out.

The aim for today will to copy that comp and interchange the next days phrase.... hopefully a process as smooth as butter.
After that the challenge will be to find some interesting camera angles (always a challenge for me).