I’ve been having render problems again.
Too much compression, or too little. To much and I end up with muddy (dark) files with all the colour washed out of them. Too little and the file sizes are unwieldy. I would like to be able to archive these projects on a single dvd when I’m done. I tried the new pro-rez codec from apple, but that was no good. The same degradation of quality that I have found with H.264 and others. This is delaying the release of Ep 17 for yet another day.
One of the aims of this renewed take up of the conditions project is to take note of what I enjoy doing and what I don’t like. So far it goes something like this:
I enjoy the process
Working slowly through a long series of tasks to get to a goal
I enjoy the challenges of each Ep
Learning something new: a particular use of expressions for example
I like the idea that the theory of my thesis can be play out in some microcosm way each week:
That is I am inspired by the relationships between perception and abstraction that I am working through in my thesis. So far this has not been played out in much complexity (the closest I’ve come is in ep 9) but I’m getting there.
I like doing something new
I like learning how to do things better
What I don’t like is following:
The delays (particularly for renders)
These are all to frustrating: and in this particular week, delaying the work of the next Ep.